British National Party!
Crinkley Bottom Extra: National Identity

Friday, June 30, 2006

National Identity

Pug says: All this nonesense about National Identity.
Who gives a toss?
How Scotland, Wales and Ireland class themselves is up to them, the British Isles will remain as such, like the United States of America.
All these Nationalists are the same as illegal immigrants if you ask me, only after one thing! that is to drain England of all it's resources.
I joined the British Nationalist Party but thinking on it, it should be called the ENP (English National Party)
All those who rant a rave about there Nationality should in my eyes live in there own Country and support it, instead of getting fat and living off others. But of course that is an impossibily because they don't know how too.


At Friday, 30 June, 2006, Blogger Michele said...

I agree with you pugs,if they
like their country so much
why don't they live there.
What they have is false bravado
and like you said, they just
don't know how to buld it up.
They aren't the sharpest
pencils in the box.

At Friday, 30 June, 2006, Blogger Cind said...

Oooh Pugs, that's a bit strong sweetie. Surely you're jesting about the illegal immigrants bit.
Surely it's OK to have a national identity within a united British Isles? I do have a bit of a problem with the Kingdom bit though.
And, now I know it was you that stole my ability to rant!!!!

At Saturday, 01 July, 2006, Blogger Pugs said...

Hey michele, everything seems to be going down-hill doesn't it!
I shudder to think what it will be like in 20-30 years from now.

At Saturday, 01 July, 2006, Blogger Pugs said...

I hope your ability to rant comes back! I do enjoy reading your posts.
As for them Scots.. I remember sailing through the Caledonian Canal on a small Coaster a few years back getting stones thrown at us and being shouted at
*Go home you bloody saxonacs*
Nothing has changed, the hatred is still there.

Thanks for calling by cind.


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