Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
BNP announces its biggest ever election push

The Party is contesting for the first time ever a full slate of candidates for the Regional Lists in both the Scottish Parliamentary and Welsh Assembly elections which allow us to qualify for radio and television party political broadcasts in the respective home countries. With a PR system in place in both Wales and Scotland, which is favourable to smaller parties there is a very real possibility that with just 6-7% of the vote both chambers could see BNP members elected to office. The Party is contesting a record number of seats at district, borough and also at town and parish level. A total of 827 seats are being fought across England and Scotland with vast areas of the country seeing a BNP candidate for the very first time. No longer is the party confined to the predominantly urban areas of the West Midlands, East Lancashire and West Yorkshire where we have already established ourselves and where we aim to build on our success. This year new areas of Britain which even twelve months ago it would have been difficult areas for us to secure the number of signatures needed to contest an election are witnessing BNP candidates. Few counties are unrepresented; we have candidates standing for the first time in Cornwall, rural Dorset, Staffordshire, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Norfolk, Glasgow and North East Scotland.

Pug says: Ooops! watch out now!
Hope your all enjoying your Easter Break! not to many chocolate eggs now, watch the figure. Ha!Ha!Ha!