British National Party!
Crinkley Bottom Extra: I'm a British Christian and Proud of it!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'm a British Christian and Proud of it!

Enough! is Enough!
Stop burying your heads
in the sand!
What is happening?
Why it is happening?
What was all this for?

Pug says: I watched a program this week, I tell you not it was scary.
Panorama investigates how funds from one of Britain's leading Islamic charities have helped build support for Hamas, which is regarded by Europe and America as a terrorist organisation.
To see more of this documentary below click here.


Shield inside Dura Islamic Society for the Care of Orphans in Hebron

JOHN WARE: I'm curious about that little sign up there. What exactly is it?

HASHEM RJOUB, ORPHANAGE DIRECTOR: 'Do not disappoint the orphan.' This is a Koranic verse. The Koran encourages us to protect the orphan.

JW: And that red colour coming down the arm and spilling over the world? What does that signify?

HR: By God... It's not clear whether it's blood or not, but in truth it looks like it might be.

JW: It conveys to me a picture of Islam dominating the world, and if necessary through bloodshed.

HR: It's true. This picture expresses the vision of the person who drew it. This doesn't necessarily mean that these things exist. I want to stress that Islam has ruled most of the world without blood. There was no blood, it was through persuasion.


At Thursday, 03 August, 2006, Blogger Michele said...

I see you're real passionate
about this issue and only
passionate people can make
a change with the help of
sensible leaders.

Which are few and far between,
good luck my friend.

I received 2 emails from vest

At Thursday, 03 August, 2006, Blogger Pugs said...

I am michele.. people have got to wise up to whats going on.

I also prefer the Union flag to the England one and hate to see it on clothing like underpants etc.

It's nice to see Hawaii, America's 50th state is emblazoned with the Union Jack symbol. The flag was commissioned by Hawaii's King Kamehameha the 1st.
The flag has the Union Jack symbol in the upper left hand corner and eight red, white and blue stripes. The stripes represent the eight main islands, and the Union Jack is there to honor the King's friendship with the British.

(I didn't now that! found it out whilst surfin this morning)

I bet they don't strap it around themselves.

As for vest-saby comments.. I have had six today! delete.delete.delete.

At Thursday, 10 August, 2006, Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

We have a curry night at work every third night shift. A Somalian temp wanted one too but then went ape shit 'cause it wasn't halal and said we had to find a halal restaurant or he was going home. We held the door open....


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