Pug says: A recent scientific study found that women find different male faces attractive depending on where they are in their menstrual cycle. For example, when a woman is ovulating she will prefer a man with rugged masculine features. And when she is menstruating, she prefers a man doused in petrol, set on fire, with scissors stuck in his eye and a cricket stump jammed up his arse.
Gawd! I wonder if that's how women really feel?
Yep, that about sums it up - I have been known to use flags for this purpose ;-}
Wow cind! Yeah! I forgot all about that..lol
I'm still waiting for this post your going to put up?
I've got you on RSS feed.
then u can tell if she is ovulating or menstruating just by a kiss
i wonder wat Ali inferred from dat kiss from Mich
Oh come on saby.. give michele a break!
I expect Ali regrets that she never took up his offer.
Pugs my friend you hit the nail on the head with that one.lol
Stay cool it's suppose to be
record heat out here in cali
saby,jim and johnny b.good
you all have been deleted
and don't come back.
I am hoping that your ending question is more rhetorical than an actual question....You really want that answer?
hee hee
Cheers michele, the weather here has been a bit more bearable these past couple of days.
There's a nice breeze blowing through the bungalow this evening.
Hi jod{i}..
hmmmm.. I guess it's best not to know.. lol
i love dis guy almost as much as i love to tease M..
in deference to yr request PUGS
i promise to be nice to Michele hence forth
Most 55 yo married men dont behave as i do
but i am on a high
i dont mind the growing old bit
but my son will soon be getting married and having kids
and soon i will be sleeping with a grand mother
the tot is killing me
i will soon be like VEST
I can't imagine you having kids,
but the devil has his children
so why not.Your sperm is poison
i feel sorry for saby jr.
The only difference between that madman VEST and myself is that I am not mad.
More quotes from Salvidor Dali
Bad wounds take longer to heal saby!
but well done for making the first move.
Keep it up..
Being nice I mean.. lol
Pugs take a picture you're in
the top voted blogs on blogmad!
Ha!Ha!Ha! Very Good! gentleman-hobbs,
I may even put that up as a post. lol..
michele my friend.. thanks for letting me know.. picture taken.
Don't believe everything that you read..
Ha! Ha!
I love all types of MEN as long as they
can make me laugh and smile :o)
How was the week-end?
Aww.. peety! you say the nicest things.
The weekend was fine, a little warm but had a nice breeze blowing through the pad.
Just right, what with a few cans of beer in all!
Hope yours was the same.
I hope I don't get a woman with mood swings like that.
Ha!Ha! that would be disasterous charles.
Thanks for the visit..
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