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Crinkley Bottom Extra: The meaning of the word Moors

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The meaning of the word Moors

My very good friend michele, asked me if I could explain the word moors to her, that is a very good question! and the answer is, I don't really know.
It is land similar to that of the Plains and Prairies of America. Dartmoor, Bodmin moor and the Yorkshire moors are all very similar, but of course, on a much smaller scale than that of America.

The common land that forms the moor is the key element in defining the landscape and has been gradually shaped and carved by mans activity over the past six thousand years. The upland has always been used as an area of seasonal grazing and only in comparatively recent times has enclosure and settlement crept up onto the higher moor. Today it can be difficult to distinguish between common land and areas of unimproved fenced grassland which abutt these open areas.

If not for michele's sake, I myself would like to know where the word moor originated from. So if anyone reading this post has any more info on it please let me know. Thanks.

Hope this helps michele... one thing, if your posts don't get to people your questions do... lol

I've been surfing the web for almost 2 hrs now trying to find the answer.


At Wednesday, 05 April, 2006, Blogger Michele said...

Hi pugs, i thought the word stemed from the moors who lived in nothern
africa and spain.

At Wednesday, 05 April, 2006, Blogger Pugs said...

Quite possible michele, but I haven't come across any information linking them to the U.K. yet. Have you?

At Sunday, 30 November, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Michele, hey Pugs.
Truth Seekers.
Your both actually right. Beyond written proof is clairvoyant knowing and sometimes as certain things ring true the proof reveals itself in due time. We live at a time of propaganda but are approaching a time of absolute truth much of which is hidden in Myth, fables and Folk stories. On the side of propaganda The Moor's had a much suppressed past in the land we today call Europe, all we see are the fragments that were impossible to hide, this would be the 711 to 1400 (circa) rule over Spain. With little research one will find evidence of Moorish presence in parts of Great Britain and Ireland that have been put down to coincidence. I strongly suggest that you accommodate the possibility that The Moor lands would have been the sacred untouchable land that the MOOR's left behind. Please search for the history of The Formorians of Ireland and there you will see a connection, also the older Irish names that are undoubtably Arabic and the Celtic and Arabic Calligraphy connection. Once these things are explored,along with the Magic practiced by Irish so called Witches learned from the higher Astrology practiced by eastern Sufis (Moors), then we can take a trip to (hidden) America or Al Morocco, to see counties named Mohumed (spelling) county and El Mira how about Tallahassee florida and the arabic word SHERIFF meaning law. The Moors did not disappear they headed further west landed New York and Washington East Coast set up government trade and Law established a CASA BLANCA in Washington and were captured and forbidden to
learn to speak or read for a dumbing down period
till they were finally African American's, West Indian's and Coloreds.
Strange but true.
The rest will be your own research.

At Wednesday, 18 March, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are awesome! very seldom do you truly find someone who is so accepting of the truth and not intimidated. didnt know about the whole america side of the story but i did know the moors ruled certain parts of Europe. Bravo!!


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