British National Party!
Crinkley Bottom Extra: I'm a Bigot

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I'm a Bigot

Pug says: OK! OK! I will try to keep this short, only I know people don’t like long posts.
So, I’m a Bigot! Their now! That is what some people want to hear.
I don’t like the word Bigot and don’t use it because it states in the dictionary that it is a person with strong, unreasonable, prejudices, especially regarding religion or race.
I have no problems with race; in fact I have quite a few friends that have coloured skin, some of which are very beautiful on the outside and some that are beautiful on the inside.

I do however have my own difference of opinion against some Religions.

I shall try to simplify it.

People who believe it is good, that women should stand if front of a crowd and be stoned to death just because they committed adultery.
People who believe it is good, that children no matter what age should be severely punished for doing minor things wrong.

People and associates who believe this is good, in my opinion are NOT GOOD people.

The above are just a couple of statements; I shall refrain from mentioning other, gorier details.

I have no problem with people who believe this, so long as they keep it in their Country of Origin, don't try to change our laws or try to bring your practices to other Civilised Countries.

I know Christianity was spread around the world but two wrongs don’t make a right.

When a child is murdered or a serial killer is caught, we all or at least the majority of us look at the television, mouths a gasp, and shout out, hang the bastard! or they should be hung drawn and quartered or cut his fucking balls off!
But that is just a spur of the moment.

I have an open mind about all things and nothing I quote nothing will ever change that, call me what you want names never hurt anyone.

This topic could go on forever, so I will finish it here and hope that this post will make someone very, very happy.

It's funny though how people can just turn a blind eye to the truth.

Take Care my friends.


At Thursday, 17 August, 2006, Blogger Michele said...

I agree with you my friend
but i don't think you're
a bigot.We are entitled
to have our opinions and
if we get labeled bigots
so be it.

At Thursday, 17 August, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, my "problem" is that you treat all Muslims the same as you would treat cockroaches or splashback from taking a leak.

Once again, if you're going to put words in people's mouths, you could at least put the right ones there. I don't "call you names" and no-one in my comments did, either. I said you're a bigot, and you are. I've been called worse and it rolled off of my back because they were either right or wrong -- it didn't bother me either way, because I had the balls to admit to my convictions without needing to whine about being "called names."

I'm not so sure what's so hard to grasp, here. You spend enough time checking that entry on my blog to know where we all stand.

At Thursday, 17 August, 2006, Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

Our country our rules. Their country their rules. Not rocket science is it? Apparently it is if you're a politician.

At Thursday, 17 August, 2006, Blogger Michele said...

White,Black,Brown and Yellow
we all are bigots in our own
way.If you were to be honest
with yourself.

We all are for our kind,
and it's nothing wrong
with that.
It's normal for the tribe
to band together.

However all tribes have their
That's human nature.

As long as a person respects
me in my circle of life
which includes all colors,
i will respect you.

And i will try hard not to
take it personally when one
of your baddies act up.

That's the best i can do.

At Thursday, 17 August, 2006, Blogger Pugs said...

michele-thanks for your support, I know I can always count on you my friend.

forneus-welcome.. glad you liked the post, it's always nice to see new people popping in..
Thank You.

gentleman-hobbs-hey! it took me a while to work that comment out, must be going senile in me old age.. got it in the end though..ROFL

marie b-your a hard woman to please, if it ain't one thing it's another..

four d's-it's always good to know your around to keep an eye on things here, sometimes I don't know if I'm coming or going.. lol
Oh! I took the monkey off for you! it was kinda doin my head in en'all.
Cheers my friend.

At Friday, 18 August, 2006, Blogger Cind said...

Free speech n all that - you're entitled to express your views using whatever words you like. I don't necessarily agree with you on some stuff but I respect your right to voice your opinion.
Go get 'em matey ;-}

Oh, by the way I thought marie b. was "done commenting on this" - seems not eh and now it appears that marie is a she/he, having "the balls" n all that you know!!

At Friday, 18 August, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. I never said Pugs can't have an opinion, so I'm not sure why you're inferring otherwise.

2. I was done commenting on another post. Do try to keep up.

3. Keep the grade school insults about my choice of words to yourself, if you can. I didn't bandy insults about, so there's no need to direct ad hominems at me. I'm sure Pugs can defend himself and doesn't need you pulling on my pigtails.


Pugs, I actually am easy to please when it comes to basic civility. I mean, that's why I'm having a difficult time understanding why you're having a hard time understanding where I'm coming from.

I'm not saying that all Muslims are innocent little angels, but I'm not understanding why you're not saying the same about any other religion.

If it's still a difficult point to grasp, I could draw you a diagram.

At Friday, 18 August, 2006, Blogger Charles said...

One word


At Friday, 18 August, 2006, Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

hi Marie. Valid point. Problem is at the mo not all muslims are terrorists but most terrorist are, or claim to be, muslim. It isn't easy for a non muslim - which is most of us - to tell which is which.

Outside a mosque near my home several young muslim lads with scarves over their faces were walking around with placards saying 'The real holocaust is coming' and 'The UK's 9/11 is on the way'

Muslims leaving the mosque were horrified and helped the police move them on.

At the moment this sort of thing isn't happening with any other religious group.

It needs to be stopped by any means necessary to protect ordinary muslims from being tarred with the same brush.

In the end we have to protect ourselves and our country from creatures like this. Ordinary muslims need to be very vocal about being 'on our side' or their religion could make them undeservedly the enemy.

I hope it doesn't come to that but it might.

My neighbours 2 doors down are muslim. They need protecting as much as we do.

At Saturday, 19 August, 2006, Blogger Pugs said...


marie b-thanks for the offer, but I get your point.

charles-Congratulations.. thanks.

four d's-well spoken as usual..
Cheers matey.


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