British National Party!
Crinkley Bottom Extra: May 2006

Monday, May 29, 2006

Racist now are we ???

Requirements are to ban the flying of the England flag during International
football competitions on the grounds that it might be seen as racist.

Pug says:"Bollocks" if people don't like what they see home here in the United Kingdom, then I suggest they get the fuck out of it.
Including our so called Politicians and Members of Parliament, this Country is getting more like the Iron Curtain these day's, dictating to us what we can and cannot do. It's enough to drive you to drink... more!
"Rule Britannia"

Sunday, May 28, 2006


I think someone in the office is taking the piss...
probably that four dinners...
mind you they ain't far wrong ha! ha!
hmmm... time for a pint or two I think!
but first a nice cup of Jazz Coffee just to settle the stomach.
All these plugs.. I dunno!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

American Idol "Runner Up"

Pug says: What's wrong with you guy's in the States?
I must admit I didn't watch the show until last night for the results (although I new them from the American blog posts) but I thought the runner up Katherine McPhee was awesome...

Oh! these are for michele... I feel kinda loving today!

To michele from Pugs

Friday, May 26, 2006

Oldie but Goodie

Two dyslexic's in a car.
One said "Can you smell petrol?"
T'other says "Don't be a cunt I can't smell me name"

Pug says:
Ha!Ha!Ha! Great!
Thanks to Four Dinners for leaving me this one.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Mystery Ranking for Crinkley Bottom Extra

Crinkley Bottom Extra hits a top ranking!

Pug says: It's OK I have been in touch with BlogMad technical support and reported the glitch... but they said that everything was functioning properly at the time and still is...
WARNING: I'm just waiting for the big crash to come later today!
Check your stats and credits if I were you! the BlogMad system is looking shaky again...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Brain Dead!

Pug says: Nope... Nothing springs to mind!

I'm exhausted after all that clicking for double credits yesterday!
I think I reached the maximum in the 4 hours allotted though... Hee Hee!
Mind you... what with all the downtime BlogMad has been doing recently it doesn't come much as a surprise to me.. the site was down for one whole day a few days ago.

BlogMad Report: Too much Tom Foolery in the Shout Box... More effort needed.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Goofy receives a text from Goldilocks

Goofy says: Hey Pugs.. this is a text I received from Goldilocks, what do you think?

FW: From:Goldilocks

Msg: A girl was granted two wishes by the fairy godmother, she asked for big tits and a tight cunt.
The fairy godmother gave her 38dd's and your mobile phone number.

Goofy says: LOL.. hmmm.. she needs a good spanking that one.
Thought I'd pass it on just in case you have some "tight" mates..

Pugs says: Ha!Ha!Ha! Nice one Goofy..
Thanks, I will definately send it on to a few people I know.. may juggle the wording a bit for a few of our other friends..

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Blog Extra heads for Guinness Book of Records

Yes it's true... BlogMad has set the Crinkley Bottom Extra on it's way to the Guinness Book of Records.

Seventeen anonymous comments in less that 10 seconds

Pug says:
This blog has been in circulation on BlogMad for 3 months now.
As you can see by my mailbox, this is what came through with yesterday's posting. I shall leave it up to the public, what you think and make of it for the moment.
It's not rocket science to work out how this came about, just read yesterday's post and comments.
Please Note: The anonymous comments have been left around on different postings, but all very much the same.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Thought for Today

Hmmm.... Why Not!!!
This blogging is pissing me off lately,
specially them wankers in the BlogMad Shout Box.
I can't help it if we have a bigger passenger plane than them yanks!
Just think! more room to carry them terrorists and illegal imigrants around
to other Countries... plus all the wafts and strays... Great! that will teach em!!!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Airbus A380

The world's largest passenger jet, the Airbus A380, lands at London's Heathrow Airport for the first time.
See the Media Player on the side bar for the landing.

Pug says: Come on America, your lagging behind when it comes to passenger flights. I can't understand why our 2 Countries don't come together a bit more.. I would prefer that much more than joining up with the Europeans.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Irish Joke

3 Irishmen sat in a cafe wanking.

Waitress goes over & says wot the fuck do u think your doing?

Irishman points 2 a sign that says 1st cum 1st served!

Pug says: Not my doing.. had this text to me last night.. made me chuckle..
While your here.. check this out...
What Your Computer Does At Night

Monday, May 15, 2006

Jazz Coffee hits the rankings

Pug says: Congratulations to michele, for her blog Jazz Coffee being one of the Daily Top Voted Blogs, it hasn't come soon enough if you ask me.
Her site has more comments than any other blog I've come across, yet still it struggles to be seen that often as one of the top voted.
Well Done michele.. keep up the good work.


Pug says:
I watched this movie again late last night (nothing else on of interest) and thought to myself when he was being hung, drawn, quartered and shouting out freedom, that I could use it as part of a post.
Well a very good friend of mine asked me to allow anonymous to post their comments, how could anyone refuse her.
I only hope they don't use the comment section as a web page again.
So I thought this post of the day very appropriate. lol...
I hope I am doing the right thing.. Still I do believe in Freedom of Speech.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Win 25 BlogMad credits

Pug says: I feel generous today... I shall give away 25 credits to the first person to come up with the name and link to this chap below.

PLEASE NOTE: His face must be on the link...

Have fun...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Human Rights

Afghans who hijacked a plane and landed in Britain, have not yet been deported.

"Ludicrous human rights laws put their interests above those of the British public." The Human Rights Act was meant to protect the citizen against the state, but "what has happened is quite different". "Until the Human Rights Act is scrapped," the only winners will be evil people and a few highly-paid human rights lawyers."

Pug says: They have to look into and change some of these laws it's getting out of hand,foreigners come to our countries then preach the human rights. If they are that good at shouting their mouths off, perhaps they should do it in their own Countries that they love so much.

Nothing to report

Pug says: I've had a heavy couple of days, no strength left to post much, so taking it easy... a few beers and plenty of smokes, about time I had a little session.. lol.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Is blogging the way of the future?

Pug says: OK.. I enjoy blogging and was told by the people who is developing the flock browser (via the BBC News) that this is the way of the future.
Personally I can't see it myself, give me the old websites to view. I think people that had there own sites put on it what they were best at, be it there own job, knowledge of what they were studing etc. etc.
Now all you get is a load of rubbish.. if my blogs anything to go on.. lol
Where will all the information that is so much needed go, if people turns to blogging instead of concentrating on their own websites.
Just a thought!

Friday, May 05, 2006

BNP Doubles councillors in England

Supporters of British National Party claim it is "on its way" after doubling its number of councillors in England.
The biggest gains were in Barking and Dagenham, where it seized 11 of the 13 seats it contested, becoming the second party. One ward has still to declare.
The BNP also won seats in Epping Forest, Stoke-on-Trent and Sandwell.
Barking Labour MP Margaret Hodge has been criticised for saying during the campaign that 80% of white families in the area were "tempted" by the BNP.
Labour officials are said to be considering disciplinary action against her, claiming her comments had helped bring about the Barking results.
Barking and Dagenham is the first council in the country to have the BNP as the second-biggest party.

More on this story here

Pugs says: Oh!Oh! Watch Out Now..

hmmm.. things are looking a bit brighter towards getting our Country back on the road to recovery.

I have decided to keep this post here for a while, just for anonymous's sake.

I know "he" or "she" thinks it a great post and loves to put comments on it.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Blown It...

I think my cyber space romance may be over! You see I left a comment over on her post late yesterday about Osama, and I don't think she was very amused.
She was horrified to hear what I got up to in my childhood days, and just prior to that she wanted to know what weird habits I got!
Oh Gawd... this has left me in a terrible quandary.
Should I tell her or shouldn't I?
I don't want to lose her... she's my whole world.

Pug says: I'm devastated, blown it I know I have. Oh well! I'll just have to play some music and dream of what could have been I suppose.
She's a beauty aint she?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Time Fly's

Well it's Boat Club again tonight, don't seem like the last one was a month ago, time fly's when your enjoying yourself I suppose. Huh!
As long as it finishes in time, for me to get home and see my favourite program this evening, I don't mind.
Had a request from my young niece yesterday to play Will Young and the Blue Peter vid.

Sorry Folk's.

Pug says: This is for all you Blue Peter and Will Young fans.
Don't think much of it myself, but will tolerate it for a day!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Lost is back on our screens

For all U.K. Lost fanatics, the second series is finally back on our screens, the first part starting tomorrow.. Tuesday Channel 4 at 10 pm.
There is a preview to remind you what went on in the first series tonight. (I shall be there)

Lost - Season 2
The first season finale ended with the castaways on the raft being surprised at sea by something they didn't expect. Meanwhile, the remaining islanders try to blow open the hatch. The new series begins with Jack and Locke peering down into the hatch which is now open, but both men disagree as to how to handle the situation. Shannon and Sayid are on a search in the jungle and there is a revealing flashback sequence involving Jack...

Pug says: More info and video clips can be seen at MSN.
Oh! I don't think much surfing will be done for the next couple of days.. so if you don't hear from me you know why.